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Can I get any extra IP's ?
Yes, all servers come with 1 IPv 4, if you need any extra it will be added for $1 each extra per...
Can i use my server for selling webhosting ?
Yes you can, we do not set any restrictions for how you use our server unless its written as not...
Can you manage my server ?
We can manage any CentOS or Windows based server, you will first need to buy a management plan...
Do you have a control panel for my server ?
Yes we have, you can manage your server from your client area or...
How can Install Ioncube loader on Direct Admin?
Installing Ioncube loader is straight forward.# cd...
How do I install csf firewall ?
# rm -fv csf.tgz # wget # tar -xzf csf.tgz # cd csf...
How do I install DirectAdmin ?
Ssh into your server as root and run the following commands: #wget...
How do I mount a ISO images without burning to CD/DVD?
As root, create a directory to be used for mounting the ISO. This can be named anything you wish,...
How do I reset my MySQL root password?
Login as root, then stop the MySQL server daemon.# /etc/init.d/mysql stopStart the MySQL server...
How to DNS Blacklist with Exim?
Edit the file /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options and insert the following...
Is your VPS's managed or Unmanaged ?
In basic all servers without a purchased management plan are unmanaged. We will however try to...
What is the minimum requirements for DA ?
A minimum 512 Megabyte of memory is required (1+ Gig is preferred), with at least 2 gig of swap...

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